When you live with hemophilia, it’s important to have a strong support network. In addition to relying on your family and friends, you’ll benefit from making connections with others in the bleeding disorders community. It can be so helpful to turn to your community when you’re facing a challenge. They understand just how you feel—because they’ve felt that way, too.
Making connections, building community, finding support.
3 ways to connect with the bleeding disorders community.
Zihao lives with hemophilia A.
Join the Changing Hemophilia® Facebook community.
Like our Facebook page to connect with others, learn from their experiences, and gain inspiration.
Get in touch with your local National Hemophilia Foundation (NHF) chapter.
Use the NHF chapter finder to connect with others in your area who are affected by a bleeding disorder as well as with people who are working to improve the lives of those living with bleeding disorders.
Talk to your Hemophilia Treatment Center (HTC).
Get to know your HTC staff. They can offer information and services to help you stay healthy. HTC experts may be able to steer you in the right direction when it comes to education, workplace advocacy, family counseling, insurance coverage, and managing treatment.
Making connections, building community, finding support.
When you live with hemophilia, it’s important to have a strong support network. In addition to relying on your family and friends, you’ll benefit from making connections with others in the bleeding disorders community. It can be so helpful to turn to your community when you’re facing a challenge. They understand just how you feel—because they’ve felt that way, too.
3 ways to connect with the bleeding disorders community.
Join the Changing Hemophilia Facebook community.
Like our Facebook page to connect with others, learn from their experiences, and gain inspiration.
Get in touch with your local National Hemophilia Foundation (NHF) chapter.
Use the NHF chapter finder to connect with others in your area who are affected by a bleeding disorder as well as with people who are working to improve the lives of those living with bleeding disorders.
Talk to your Hemophilia Treatment Center (HTC).
Get to know your HTC staff. They can offer information and services to help you stay healthy. HTC experts may be able to steer you in the right direction when it comes to education, workplace advocacy, family counseling, insurance coverage, and managing treatment.
Insights from the HERO Study.
The HERO Study was conducted by Novo Nordisk to find out how people living with hemophilia feel about its impact on their lives.
Completed in 2012, it surveyed 1,386 people in 11 countries, making it the largest ever multi-national, multi-method study of life with hemophilia.
We’ve also developed a workshop that provides an overview of how hemophilia affected the lives of participants in the HERO study. Learn about key insights from the HERO study and how other people with hemophilia are living well with their bleeding disorder.

Find a hemophilia treatment center (HTC).
Find your nearest HTC by contacting the NHF at 1-212-328-3700 or by visiting the CDC Website.

Find a hemophilia treatment center (HTC).
Find your nearest HTC by contacting the NHF at 1-212-328-3700 or by visiting the CDC Website.
Connect with patient advocacy groups.
Looking for more information and resources about hemophilia? Try the organizations below, which were founded to advocate for and help you and others living with bleeding disorders.
Hemophilia Federation of America (HFA)
Connecting people affected by bleeding disorders to others in their community, while advocating for the development of safe, affordable treatment options.
National Hemophilia Foundation (NHF)
The largest nonprofit organization dedicated to education, advocacy, and research of inheritable bleeding disorders.

Stay updated with news and information from Novo Nordisk.
Get tips on managing your bleeding disorder.
Learn more about hemophilia treatments.
Stay informed about patient support services.
Find out about educational workshops and events.

Stay updated with news and information from Novo Nordisk.
Get tips on managing your bleeding disorder.
Learn more about hemophilia treatments.
Stay informed about patient support services.
Find out about educational workshops and events.