Learn more about what H-Fit has to offer the hemophilia community. Register or Log In to power up, build skills, wind down, and more!

Get Fit. Stay Fit. With H-Fit.
You’ve got exclusive access to 20 hemophilia-friendly workouts built to match your mood and energy level. Let’s go!
Get exclusive access to 20 hemophilia-friendly workouts built to match your mood and energy level. Let’s go!

Get Fit. Stay Fit. With H-Fit.
You’ve got exclusive access to 20 hemophilia-friendly workouts built to match your mood and energy level. Let’s go!
Get exclusive access to 20 hemophilia-friendly workouts built to match your mood and energy level. Let’s go!
Get Your Body Moving with Dolvett.
Get Your Body Moving with Dolvett.
You’ve got exclusive access to all 20 H-Fit videos—including 10 complete workouts built to match your mood and designed to meet the needs of the hemophilia community.
Moves to Match Your Mood.
Register now to access all 20 videos—including 10 complete workouts built to match your mood and designed to meet the needs of the hemophilia community.
Get back into a routine after taking time off from exercising with this gentle workout.
Get back into a routine after taking time off from exercising with this gentle workout.
A classic get-up-and-go workout to start your day off right.
A classic get-up-and-go workout to start your day off right.
Manage stress in a healthy way using resistance bands.
Manage stress in a healthy way using resistance bands.
A relaxing series of movements to focus on the mind-body connection.
A relaxing series of movements to focus on the mind-body connection.
Feeling strong? Dolvett has a great workout to get you sweating.
Feeling strong? Dolvett has a great workout to get you sweating.
A no-nonsense, all-purpose program, perfect for a busy midweek workout.
A no-nonsense, all-purpose program, perfect for a busy midweek workout.
An upbeat aerobic routine for when you feel like having fun.
An upbeat aerobic routine for when you feel like having fun.
An active recovery workout with some extra wisdom from Dolvett.
An active recovery workout with some extra wisdom from Dolvett.
A soothing session to calm your spirit while you move your body.
A soothing session to calm your spirit while you move your body.
A cardio and strengthening workout with attitude.
A cardio and strengthening workout with attitude.
Always talk to your doctor before starting or changing any exercise program or making changes to your hemophilia management plan. This program is not medical advice and should not replace the advice you receive from your doctor. Individual results may vary and are not guaranteed.
H-Fit Essentials
Build your own adaptable, targeted routines with these ultra-versatile moves.
Build your own adaptable, targeted routines with these ultra-versatile moves. Complete your free registration or log in to access all 10 Essential H-Fit videos.